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Our vb6 styles updated with vbulletin 6.0.6

Hey everyone! We’re thrilled to announce that our VB6 styles have just been updated and are now fully compatible with vBulletin 6.0.6. This update brings a smoother experience, with all the latest features and improvements to keep your forum looking sharp and running like a dream. Whether you’re customizing or just enjoying the fresh design, we think you’ll love the new enhancements. Be sure to grab the latest version and give your community the upgrade it deserves! Happy forum-ing! 😊

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7 new vb6 flat theme released

Hello Guys,

As we step into the New Year, we’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you!

Introducing seven brand-new flat themes for vBulletin 6 categories, designed to elevate your forum experience. These themes bring a fresh and contemporary look to your virtual space, combining style with functionality seamlessly.

Curious to see them in action? Take a sneak peek at our demo forum:

Here’s to a year filled with innovation, beauty, and engaging online interactions! Happy New Year!

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Zarieq for vBCloud Released!

Hello Guys,

Introducing Zarieq a vBCloud theme, a two column with forum custom images change-able using CSS.

I have written how to do change the forum images in the shop page.

I can help but I will charge some fee looking for suitable images for your forum and change the ids and background URLs for you in the CSS.
The fee depends on time spent, if your forum a big one. I have to spend time more.

This style is RTL friendly

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New Black Series – Released

Hello Guys,

I am glad to announce the release of 4 new themes that sit inside our gaming super pack.
We are replacing our old black series with new one except for the black green. So I have refreshed only 4 colors, Black Red, Black Blue, Black Orange and Black Purple.

Here are individuals shop links:

You can also preview them at our vb5 demo forum

Thank you for your support!
Hanafi Jamil

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4 new xenforo 2 styles released!

Hi Guys.
We are proud to announce the release of 4 more gaming styles available for single purchase or in a bundle pack that we called ST Xenforo 2 Super Pack.

Saga-X Blue –
Saga-X Red –
Lahwia –
Alenicus –

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Aeunix and Dark Aeunix for xf2 released!

SharedScreenshot5 1 - Aeunix and Dark Aeunix for xf2 released!

Hello Guys,

I am glad to announce the release of 2 theme packs Aeunix and Dark Aeunix for xenforo2.

Here is the separate shop link for both styles. Please see individual page for instructions on custom templates.

Aeunix xf2:

Dark Aeunix xf2:

You can get all the flat themes in one package here:

Thank you,

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Alenicus, Ixerius and Aeunix for vb5, folders reverted to core/images

Hello Guys,

Our 3 vbulletin 5 themes, Alenicus, Ixerius and Aeunix new folder location in remote directory (your live forum directory) have been reverted back to original core/images/

It caused some confusion for my customer especially James who reported it because majority themes are still in core/images/

Previous change was to determine if the folder change to default vbulletin theme images (images/themes/) folder will get ignored by the upgrade script that detects suspected files but then it still listed the custom folders as suspected files so we can just ignore the notice and revert back to our original folder location in core/images/

Core/images is the original images folder for vb5 before they created default themes.

You can re-download now.

Hope all is good. Stay safe at home.

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Auenix vb5 released in vb5 ProPack!

Hello Guys,
I hope all is fine.
Please stay at home and go out only for needed things and use some protection after got back home clean all your face, hands and feet.
I have a lot of customers from United States, hope all of you guys in good condition.

I am glad to announce the release of our latest flat theme named “Aeunix” in the ST vb5 Pro Pack. It has 6 exciting color combos: Vista, Radical, Amber, Violet, Olivine and Pelorous

For those that have an active account you can download now.
*** Please read the readme.txt for installation instructions. I have change the upload location for theme folder for 3 new themes, Alenicus, Ixerius and Aeunix.

It is not available as single purchase at the time being, I want to complete at least 3 dark themes before I make it available for single purchase.

Thank you,

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7 vb5 gaming themes updated

Hello Guys,
I have updated 7 vb5 gaming themes.
Please read more on the link below:

  1. AlBukhory
  2. AlHakim
  3. Alhatim
  4. Sajrya
  5. Lahwia
  6. Ardarine v2
  7. Aventarius v2

Please read more here:

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vb5 Pro Pack updated

Hello Guys,
I have updated our vBulletin 5 Pro Pack with 3 fixes:
1. Category spacing where in the subforum there are gaps between each forum.
2. breadcrumb bad left margin.
3. Responsive issues in 2 widths where they seen broken at forum home.

I am going to update gaming themes for any bugs after this.
Announced here:

Thank you,

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All vb5 styles updated with vBulletin 5.5.6

Hello Guys,
Please read more here:

I also fixed forum home display issue with stats not aligned with rss button and custom icon position, flat theme series seen the most bad look.
Along the way I fixed the black series top left right corner.

Thank you for your support !