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ST vb5 Pro Pack updated with vbulletin 5.4.0

Hi Guys,
I am glad to announce the release of the update for ST vb5 Pro Pack which consist 4 flat themes  with various colors and few extra themes.
All styles have been updated with vb5.4.0

Please readmore here some release notes:

Next update will be Gaming Super Pack.

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All ProPack Styles are now Arabic RTL friendly.

Untitled 111 1 - All ProPack Styles are now Arabic RTL friendly.

Hello Guys,


All Pro Pack styles incuding the extra 5 styles are now Arabic RTL friendly.

If you are using Hebrew you can read more here:

Thank you for your support.

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ST vb5 ProPack first update.

I have updated the ProPack with cerium-d footer fix where language chooser is active.
And for those who choose not to have footer columns, you need to paste this code inside
Style manager> style name> Cerium-d style name> edit templates> CSS Templates> css_additional.css

Paste this CSS code on top of the css_additional.css

/*-- REVERT to default footer --*/
#footer-tabbar {
float: none!important;
clear: none!important;
margin-top: 10px!important;
#footer-tabbar ul.nav-list{
float: right!important;
clear: none!important;
#footer-tabbar > ul > li{
float: left!important;
clear: none!important;