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Pro Pack – Series updated!

Hello Guys,
Our original 4 Pro Pack theme series (light) have been updated with following fixes:
1. Firefox topic status icons cut off
2. Added topic status icon for deleted and locked with label styling.
3. XDerium top right menu drop down arrow color is now white.

Announced here:

Thank you for your support!

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ST vB3 Responsive Updated Again!!

Hello Guys,

Today, we have updated again our vb3 responsive to fix following:
1) I fixed the logout link drop when logged in in iphone6 plus.
2) I fixed the moderator column to have a width so it balanced out the rest.
3) I fixed safari 5 desktop logo being so small.
4) Youtube video in desktop too big

Please read more here:

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ST vB3 Responsive Updated!

Hello Guys,
I have fixed number of issues.

1) Moderator column is not available.
Now you can turn on and see your moderator list.
Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Forum Listings Display Options -> Show Moderator Column [Yes]
How to add Moderators – admincp> Forum and Moderator> Forum manager> Moderators drop down> Add moderator

2) Moderation usercp not responsive

3)Default style(responsive) last post columns not default.

4) Instagram widget not responsive
5) “Edit” link in post – editor color picker pop up fix.
5.1) reply post – editor color picker pop up fix.

6. SEO improvement request –
6.1) Added OG and Twitter card meta tag for SEO in headinclude template
6.2)Added favicon.ico in headinclude template
6.3)Added Google analytic script in headinclude template
6.4) Insert alt description for empty alt tags – only left is cron img that is not in the template
6.5) Making longer heading tag for responsive menu and the footer about us.
6.6) Minify 2 external css files.

** for 6-8 you need to do editing based on your site. Please be extra careful with html open and close tag.
SEO score will not change much because default vbulletin 3 links system is dynamic not permalink (friendly URLS) kind of link formatting.
I have done what I can with the SEO. Alt tag for images never missing, their system don’t read empty alt tags. To get good results you need to have friendly URLs and many more subjective stuff such as keyword or backlinking that is not related to template. Happy SEOing!!

Changed templates are.
1.) customfootertemplateL
2) headinclude
3) navbar
6) forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost

Changed Files

p/s: Please use FORUMHOME and FORUMDISPLAY template from sidebar style if used the style with the custom sidebar.

I have renamed the style so better reflect what it is for example, style with sidebar is named with – sidebar in the end. No sidebar is now is not named with no sidebar because no sidebar is default vbulletin 3 layout.

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ST vB5 Super Pack Updated

Hello Guys,
I have updated all 34 styles in the Super Pack.

Below are the fixes:
1. All Styles- missing infraction and arrow in quote icons in postbit
2. Amanius-new font, plus icon, flag icon, closed and deleted icon.
3. Ardarine v2 & Avantarius2, prefix deleted, closed – icons and bg for label. Icon cut off in firefox.
4. Bukhory – category design fix in topic list in Chrome / added delete and closed icon
5. Hatim – category design fix in topic list in Chrome / added delete and closed icon
6. Hakim – category design fix in topic list in Chrome / added delete and closed icon
7. Bad dragon/blue – category design fix in topic list in Chrome
8. Bad dragon2 – category design fix in topic list in Chrome
9. Ziqrien and Ziqrien-p – missing posted statusicon

Thank you for your Support!

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Pro Pack updated!

Hello Guys.
Both Pro Pack light and dark themes series has been updated.
1) Fix propack Trixerium black series – fix subforum icons colors in sub forum page -forum listing and subforum icons cutoff in firefox. Trixerium Cocoablack login arrow.
2) Fix propack subforum Actinium bunkerred cutoff icon

3) Fix propack Trixerium light series – top menu drop down arrow color when inactive.
and subforum icons circle bg color in sub forum page -forum listing and subforum icons cutoff in firefox

Thank you for your support!

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Pro Pack Dark Styles are now in one package

Hello Guys.
You can now purchased all 4 Pro Pack Dark Styles in one Package here:

You also can get a single copy here

Or you want all the Pro Pack including the original light styles.

12 Pro Pack Black Styles are now included in Pro Pack

Thank you.