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7 new xenforo2 styles released!

bukhory 1 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released!

Hello Guys,

I am happy to announce that our Xenforo 2 Super Pack Gaming styles are now 24 styles in total.

New 2018 styles added are AlBukhory, AlHakim and AlHatim.

Meanwhile converted styles are Ziqrien, Ziqrien Green, Ziqrien Orange and Ziqrien Purple.
They all available for single purchase:

You can see them in action here in our xenforo2 demo forum

 ziqrien p 2 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released! ziqrien o 2 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released! ziqrien g 2 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released! ziqrien 4 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released! hatim 1 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released! hakim 1 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released! bukhory 1 - 7 new xenforo2 styles released!

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ST vB5 Gaming Super Pack updated with vb5.4.0

Hello Guys,

Our Gaming Super Pack is now fully updated with vb5.4.0

I am sorry for late update.

Please read more details here about the new SVG sprite image :

Our Pro Pack was updated yesterday


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ST vb5 Pro Pack updated with vbulletin 5.4.0

Hi Guys,
I am glad to announce the release of the update for ST vb5 Pro Pack which consist 4 flat themes  with various colors and few extra themes.
All styles have been updated with vb5.4.0

Please readmore here some release notes:

Next update will be Gaming Super Pack.