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6 vb5 gaming styles updated: Mergastua, Mahkota, Ledang, Rajawali, Bad Dragon & Bad Dragon2

Hello Guys,

I have updated 6 gaming styles for a module template that caused a php error in topic list and subforum. The error is gone now.
Those styles are: Mergastua, Mahkota, Ledang, Rajawali, Bad Dragon & Bad Dragon2

All zips updated including Super Pack.

P/s: They are all sold separately or bundled in a gaming superpack.

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ST vb5 ProPack first update.

I have updated the ProPack with cerium-d footer fix where language chooser is active.
And for those who choose not to have footer columns, you need to paste this code inside
Style manager> style name> Cerium-d style name> edit templates> CSS Templates> css_additional.css

Paste this CSS code on top of the css_additional.css

/*-- REVERT to default footer --*/
#footer-tabbar {
float: none!important;
clear: none!important;
margin-top: 10px!important;
#footer-tabbar ul.nav-list{
float: right!important;
clear: none!important;
#footer-tabbar > ul > li{
float: left!important;
clear: none!important;

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St vb5 Pro Pack Released

cerium d7 - St vb5 Pro Pack Released

Hello Guys,

I am glad to announce that we have released our new St vb5 Pro Pack which consist of non gaming themes from us.
We will increase the collection number in near future.

boxes vb5 ProPack - St vb5 Pro Pack Released

Please read more here:

Thank you for your support!