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4 vb4.0.4 skins released.

Hello Guys.

Now I have 8 vb4 skins, 3 are converted from 3.8.x, popular Achik, Pesona4 and BlackOrange. The GreenStreets is totally new design with simple flash animation, it is for vb4 only. All created under vbulletin 4.0.4 PL1

My vb4 skins are colored manually, not using the stupid style generator. Colored accordingly from the 3.8.x version. All my colors are complete; pagination, blockquote, pollbg, announce, search, group & album, blog and cms. I think I haven’t missed any uncolor part.

The BlackOrange and Greenstreets has a box layout, no rounded corners and also default button.

Each vb4 skin priced at 14.99USD – lowest in the market + without branding at all.

Hope you can take a look.
First link is the demo link, second link is the shop link.

p/s: Spain will win world cup!! go go spain take your cup.






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2 more vb4 skins released.

Hello Guys.

Its been a long time since I released the first 2 vb4 skins. I had a little time to complete them after being busy with custom orders. I will do more to add into vb4 collections. vb4 skinning took so much time to complete a single skin.

And new price is 14.99usd per pre-made skin, this is a reasonable price after 2 years of business with a low price(2-4usd) and income from pre-mades vbulletin 3.8 skins.I got around 200-300usd only for pre-mades while other competitors gets above 1000usd only for their pre-mades. I think I have contributed much into the vbulletin community with that old price. So now I am going into the market price and still maybe at the bottom of it.

I would like to guarantee that I still am from the start only do this project from home. I am fulltime working for, so you can expect me around for more years to come.

From the 4 vb4 skins I offered a rounded corners for buttons and categories/posbit for all browsers, so you will have the same look over IE and FF. vBulletin default style using CSS3 rounded corners which in Internet Explorer 6,7 & 8 you will see only boxy stuff. I used original menu and login on top because the facebook connect only work in header template at this time, and the original plan to use a jquery megamenu abandoned because it will have problems with add-on/plugins that add their link into the menu.

So enough for the talking, here goes.

Nafisha – a combination name with my wife.
Buy here:

LadangBaru – a place where I grew up
Buy here:

Thats it! Go Argentine!! Bye bye Brazil 🙂
Happy world cup!

Hanafi Jamil