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We’re moved to a new host.

Hello guys.
you may find a couple of days we were down, but it was actually we’re moving to a new host, ssl cert from godaddy cannot be used anymore. so when ever you’re trying to access us using https it will broke. but normal http was working. But now this is not the problem anymore and we have decided to use normal http eventhough we already buy a new cert. Maybe I can used it somewhere else. The payment gateway is by Paypal so you dont even need to worry.

Its a new experience for me moving from another host.At the moment phpBB shop is broken.


Hanafi Jamil

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2 vbulletin 4 pre-made skins released for sale.

Hello Guys.

For the first time since 5 months of vbulletin4 introduced by vbulletin, I am glad to announce the release of 2 vb4.0.3 PL1 skins.

Morning Glory – Purple & Green nature theme
Purchase here:
Preview here:

Permatakus2 – Black & Red medieval theme
Purchase here:
Preview here:

These are actual links, please make sure you have the right version from the right category from the shop

Have Fun!

Hanafi Jamil