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All skins updated to vb4.1.1

Hi Guys.

All styles updated to vbulletin 4.1.1
You can login to your account and re-download the zip.

This is the latest vbulletin version. They change links in various templates because you can now move your cms oustide the forum root.

There is new images in button folder inside every skin folder, and in certain skin I have updated some buttons so I recommend for those who want to upgrade just upload the whole skin folder back replacing the old one.

For those who wanted older version please ask me.

————- profile customisation —————
and since 4.0.8, the profile page is ugly and I has only 1 stylevar control.If you don’t like the skin generated colors. you can customise it.

What you need to do is go to your profile page. Click the “customise profile” button. There is a red button – save as site default. This button only appear to super admin. that is you. not other administrator.

Note that real hardcoded colors in the profile is #2f4456, under buttons and inactive modules color set.

What about new vb4 skins?
If I don’t have too much custom work, next week I plan to finalise some new skins to be released in the weekend.

Thank you for supporting me.
