Hello Guys,
I have reduced the price for a month.
And I have fixed the youtube video being too large in desktop.
Please readmore here
Hello Guys,
I have reduced the price for a month.
And I have fixed the youtube video being too large in desktop.
Please readmore here
Hello Guys,
Announced here, thank you.
Hello Guys,
I have updated the Aventarius for vb5 to fix the broken footer design in lower screen.
You have to re-upload the style xml and the style folder as in readme.txt instructions.
I also fixed the pollbar colors for both Ardarine v2 and Aventarius v2
Hello Guys,
I am proud to release 3 new vb5 themes. This release brings sultantheme up to the new level.
I named them after my sons.
All 3 themes have been added to Super Pack.
They are also sold separately.
Hello Guys.
Please readmore here:
Hello Guys,
Here are the bug fixes list for our xenforo2 styles:
1) Aventarius,Ardarine,Bad Dragon/blue,Bad Dragon2 – background not full.
2) Izalusia, Bad dragons – lower screens category design out off box – cut off
3) Mergastua – logo overlaps in lower screens fix
4) Mergastua and Rajawali – logo vb5 theme wording now to xenforo theme
5) Mergastua and Ledang = mobile navtab leftright nav fix
Thank you.